
Bestellung stornieren

Stornieren Sie eine Bestellung, die Sie innerhalb der letzten Stunde getätigt haben

If you made your purchase within the last hour, you can ask the seller to cancel your order as long as they haven’t sent it yet. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Purchase history and find the order you want to cancel.
  2. Select the More actions dropdown menu and select Cancel this order.
  3. Select Submit.

We’ll send your request to the seller and ask them to confirm whether they agree to the cancellation. If the seller agrees, we’ll then send a confirmation of cancellation to both your registered email address and your spandooly Messages.

Stornieren Sie eine Bestellung, die Sie vor mehr als einer Stunde getätigt haben

If it’s been more than an hour since your purchase, you need to contact the seller and ask them to cancel it for you. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Purchase history and find the order you want to cancel.
  2. Select Contact seller.
  3. Choose Request to cancel this order, then Contact the seller.
  4. Explain to the seller why you need to cancel, and select Send.

Akzeptieren oder Ablehnen Ihrer Stornierungsanfrage

The seller can either accept or decline your cancellation request.

If the seller agrees to cancel the order, they have 10 days to refund you through the same method you used to pay. It usually takes 3 to 5 business days for a PayPal refund to go through. If you paid with a credit card, it may take up to 30 days to process, depending on your card provider.

If the seller declines your cancellation request, or if they've already shipped your item, you’ll need to wait until you receive the item and then start a return request.

Bezahlen Sie Ihren Artikel

Buying an item or bidding on an auction on spandooly is a commitment to complete your purchase. Even if you changed your mind or want to cancel your order, you need to pay for your item. If you don't pay for your item, the seller may open an unpaid item case against you.

If the seller opens an unpaid item case, you can either pay for the item or state your reason for not making payment. However, if you don't make payment, you risk having an unpaid item recorded on your account. Also, if you have excessive canceled orders on your accounts, we may limit or end your ability to buy on spandooly.

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