

Wie Feedback-Bewertungen und Verkäuferbewertungen funktionieren

When you buy an item on spandooly, you can rate your experience with the seller. The ratings you give are then added to the seller's overall feedback and detailed seller rating scores.

A seller's feedback score is displayed as a percentage beneath their username on their listings. If a seller has a score of 99.5%, it means that 99.5% of the buyers who left feedback for them had a positive experience.

You'll also see a seller's star rating as a number in brackets next to their username. This shows how many buyers have left feedback for a seller. The more buyers who have rated their experience positively with a seller, the more assured you can be of getting great service.

Detaillierte Verkäuferbewertungen

For a more detailed view of a seller's performance, you can also view their detailed seller rating. This is a breakdown of how buyers have rated that seller in the following areas:

  • Item description – How accurately was it described?
  • Communication – Did the seller communicate well with their buyer?
  • Shipping time – How quickly did the seller ship the item?
  • Shipping and handling charges – Were the costs reasonable?

To view a seller's detailed seller ratings, select the number in brackets next to their username to go to their feedback profile. You'll find stars next to the 4 different areas, with 1 star being the lowest rating and 5 stars being the highest.

Leaving detailed seller ratings

You can leave up to 4 detailed seller ratings at the same time when you leave an overall feedback rating and comment. You can leave your ratings and feedback up to 60 days after the transaction. To leave detailed seller ratings:

  1. Go to the Feedback Forum.
  2. Select Leave Feedback on the right-hand side of the page.
  3. Rate your overall experience as positive, neutral, or negative. After you leave an overall rating, you can add a descriptive comment and leave detailed seller ratings.
  4. Select the stars to rate each aspect of your transaction.

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